Test feedback loop tests
Automated tests
Having access to VMs or containers means that it is very easy to create various test environments on demand. Creating a test environment on the fly for an individual pull request should be a standard practice within your organization. This means that each new feature is tested individually on its own. A problematic feature (i.e. that causes tests to fail) should not block the release of the rest of the features that need to be deployed at the same time.
An easy way to understand the level of test automation within a company is to watch the QA/Test people in their daily job. In the ideal case, testers are just creating new tests that are added to an existing test suite. Testers themselves do not run tests manually. The test suite is run by the build server.
In summary, testing should be something that happens all the time behind the scenes by the build server. Developers should learn the result of the test for their individual feature after 5-15 minutes of committing code. Testers should create new tests and refactor existing ones, instead of actually running tests.