這邊分享一些使用 IntelliJ IDEA 的經驗
Top 5
- Search Everywhere(⇧⇧)
- Find Action(⇧⌘A)
- Go to Declaration(⌘B)
- Find in Path(⇧⌘F)
- Navigate Back/Forward(⌥⌘←、⌥⌘→)
Edit Top 5
- Moving Statement(⇧⌘↑、⇧⌘↓)
- Moving Line(⌥⇧↑、⌥⇧↓)
- Reformat Code(⌥⌘L)
- Duplicate Current Line(⌘D)
- Optimize Imports(⌃⌥O)
Remember These
- Smart Code Completion(⌃⇧Space)
- Search Everywhere(⇧⇧)
- Show Intention Actions and Quick-fixes(⌥↩)
- Generate Code(⌘N、⌃↩︎)
- Parameter Info(⌘P)
- Extend Selection(⌥↑)
- Shrink Selection(⌥↓)
- Recent Files Popup(⌘ E)
- Rename(⇧F6)